我们对家庭--我们最重要的社区合作伙伴寄予了很高的期望,我们认为他们也会对我们寄予同样高的期望。家庭确保他们的孩子每天准时到达学校,穿着统一的校服,并做好学习的准备。Uncommon Excellence Pre-K 频繁地与家庭沟通,分享成功的经验,讨论面临的挑战。
帕琴大道 226 号
纽约布鲁克林 11233
T: (347) 390-0460
Uncommon Excellence Pre-K prepares children to be successful in elementary school and beyond, and aligns with Uncommon's K-12 educational philosophy while supporting the unique needs of early learners.
注册Our well-rounded and developmentally appropriate curriculum fosters children’s confidence, sense of community and socialization, independence, and love of learning.
Our staff are smart, committed, and experienced individuals who work tirelessly to achieve outstanding academic results in their classrooms. We are committed to providing our teachers with the necessary tools to succeed and grow professionally.
职业生涯我们的教学方法有助于孩子们达到发展的里程碑,同时促进社交情感的成长和学业的优异成绩。我们的认证教师为每个孩子制定个性化的学习计划,注重一对一和小组教学。最重要的是,我们的学前班学生在整个 K-12 年级的学习过程中都将受到 Uncommon Schools 社区的欢迎。
我们对家庭--我们最重要的社区合作伙伴寄予了很高的期望,我们认为他们也会对我们寄予同样高的期望。家庭确保他们的孩子每天准时到达学校,穿着统一的校服,并做好学习的准备。Uncommon Excellence Pre-K 频繁地与家庭沟通,分享成功的经验,讨论面临的挑战。